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    Colleges in Oregon

    It's easy to see why Oregon has a reputation as one of the most beautiful states in America.

    The state has towering Doug Fir trees, snow-capped mountains, and 363-miles of rugged coastline. The Oregon coast is a mix of wide, sandy beaches and rocky shoreline, and is surrounded by miles of trails that offer hikers panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean.

    Oregon is also home 45 colleges and universities; 26 are public and 19 private are private. The state's biggest city, Portland, has a few well-known colleges. Reed College, a liberal arts school known for its smart and quirky student body, is in Southeast Portland. Lewis and Clark , a liberal arts school on the outskirts of the city, has a leafy-green campus with Mt. Hood views. Portland State is an affordable public university tucked downtown on a stretch of treelined streets called the Park Blocks.

    There is an active but friendly rivalry between the state's two biggest state schools – University of Oregon in Eugene and Oregon State University in Corvallis. The Ducks and the Beavers first played each other in football in 1894, and have played each other 125 times as of 2021.

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